Pics from our day in Dallas

Abigail worked in the bio lab at the Perot yesterday, so I took Robert and Julia to the Dallas Museum of Art, Klyde Warren Park, and the the Perot to retrieve Abigail.  We are so lucky to live close enough to Dallas to take advantage of these wonderful destinations.

She is pretending to be a baby cheetah that fell asleep.

She is pretending to be a baby cheetah that fell asleep.

2014-07-29 16.06.27

Playing on the frogs outside the Perot.

Pick up soccer at Klyde Warren Park.  He can find a friend anywhere.

Pick up soccer at Klyde Warren Park. He can find a friend anywhere.

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Snow cones at the park between museums.

In the African Art section, there are examples of dyed fabric you are encouraged to touch.

In the African Art section, there are examples of dyed fabric you are encouraged to touch.


Here you see a priceless piece of work, and Monet's Water Lilies.

Here you see a priceless piece of work, and Monet’s Water Lilies.

Contemplating the fountain in the sculpture garden.

Contemplating the fountain in the sculpture garden.

2014-07-29 16.06.34

Robert was impressed with this painting of a man with his giant fish.

Robert was impressed with this painting of a man with his giant fish.

What is this thing?

What is this thing?

He's using it as cover for gunplay, she's using it as a tightrope.

He’s using it as cover for gunplay, she’s using it as a tightrope.

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About tisawhite

I'm a mother of 4 children. I'm Catholic and I'm a lawyer.
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1 Response to Pics from our day in Dallas

  1. DINAH lOVTT says:

    These are fabulous photos! Very professional-looking! That Julia is a caution…look at that back leg kicking up!

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